To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee, One clover, and a bee, And revery.
The revery alone will do, If bees are few.
--Emily Dickinson

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sports insanity

Let's make one thing clear: I love my husband. And while we are alike in many ways, we are also different in a few key areas. I love books and basically have shunned technology. (That's why so many of my friends are astonished that I started this blog. :) He revels in technology and figuring out the latest gadget. I am not particularly athletic and don't like to sweat much. He likes nothing better than to get out in the sunshine and swing a golf club or suit up and have hockey pucks whistling at breakneck speeds toward his face. I like to attend the occasional high school football game to enjoy the youthful exuberance, the brisk fall air and a warm cup of cocoa. He enjoys all different sports all the time. He can spout obscure statistics and pick out strategic plays. I once took a book with me to the U.S. Open so I'd have something to do during the boring parts.
So when it comes to events like the Superbowl, I try and survive them while he revels in them. To him the Superbowl represents the best teams of a season going for the big trophy, to me its a celebration that football season is about to be over. I'm sure my stance about sports annoys him, as his desire to view every game every weekend does me. But he puts up with my hobbies, so I must put up with his. Although I think playing with paper is a much more honorable pursuit than tracking the antics of sweaty men in tight pants. But that's just my opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Scheffie:

    I have to agree with your views on the Super Bowl. I'm not really a fan - unless the Bears are playing. Then I'm honor-bound to watch; I don't really remember, but it might have been in my wedding vows. I do like the commercials, though. This year, my favorite - yes, even though it was from a competitor - was the Eminem Chrysler Detroit ad. It was very cool; it actually gave me goosebumps. I loved seeing all the local landmarks, I thought the narration was great, and even though, personally, I wouldn't know Eminem if he walked up to me and licked my face, I know that around here, he's an icon and he gives a lot back to the city.

    Detroit really is a city that's been to hell and back ... and it keeps getting back up. Maybe that's why I kind of like it.

    Check out the commercial on YouTube when you get a spare minute!!

    I hope everything else is going well with you. I'm getting a sore throat, but I'm pretending not to notice. Catch you soon,

